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The extraordinary history of Szczecin

In today's Szczecin, more or less in the 6th century BCE. there was a Lusatian settlement. It is also known about the existence of the village of Susudata, which was marked on the map of Claudius Ptolemy from 147 CE. The first settlers settled in these areas at the end of the 9th century. The settlement was surrounded by a moat, and inside there was a port and a residential and commercial part. The first name of Szczecin is Sadżin or Sasin. At that time, Szczecin was one of the most important forts in the country. The prestige of the settlement was increased by the fact that it had four pagan temples. The most important of them was the Tryglawa Temple, the interior of which was strongly decorated with paintings and elements of gold and silver. The legislative function was performed by a rally consisting of the city elders.